About me

I have had an interest in medical art since attending high school and finding out about the field when looking towards the future for an artistic career. I am very passionate about my practice, and knew to begin I needed to build myself a strong base on art fundamentals. For this reason I chose to study an undergraduate in Fine Art, from which I could apply to the masters course MSc Medical Art at Dundee University. My undergraduate concluded in 2023, and from there I applied for the master’s course. Currently I am working through my third semester and large project/dissertation.

Outside of university work, I enjoy working on personal projects. Some of these are also artistic, including pet portraits, tattoo research and practice on fake skin, and sketching at open mic nights.

Recently I have taken more of an interest in DIY, sewing, beauty and fashion. I also have a husky puppy that takes up much of my spare time, as well as the gym and meeting with friends. I post regular updates about my work to my blog, a link to which can be found at the top of this page. Follow along to keep updated with my practice and occasional pupdate.

- Corey

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