A Quick Hello

In this first post, I’d like to introduce myself a little bit more. Hi, I’m Corey, I’m a Fine Art graduate from DJCAD in Dundee, Scotland, and I have a passion for learning and art. Ever since I can remember I knew I would have a career in the arts, it just made sense. I still have the same fun I did with the arts as when I was young.

I was born on the west coast of Scotland, but mostly grew up in Perth, a little over an hour and a half further inland or ‘down the road.’ My Mum would buy my sister and I notebooks to fill with our drawings, which graduated to sketchbooks after I found out there were books without lines to draw in instead. The passion for art grew further at secondary school, where I took Art and Design all through school, and branched out into Photography and Graphic Communication. All of these subjects stood me in good stead for studying Fine Art once I finished 6th year.

For the most part, art school was great. We were unfortunately the year group who’s first year was interrupted by COVID. This affected us right up until third year, where things started to ease again and studios reopened fully. I knew before I applied for art school that the only reason I wanted to go was to be accepted into the masters programme MSc Medical Art, as the requirement is a highly graded undergraduate arts or science degree. I defiantly was not getting in with science!

Which brings me to now. I’m currently still studying the masters course and about to begin my third semester project. I have an interest in many different areas, like anatomical variation, pathologies, amongst other things. My biggest interest is helping people, and I strive to do that with medical art by making whatever needs made to further healthcare outcomes and education for people. Thanks for reading!


A learning curve